What’s next up for you?  Many, like our graduates, know what’s next up for them in their lives.  It may be a new school, a new job, a new career…

A Memorial of Faith

May 26, 2019
Memorial day is a day set aside in this nation to remember those who have fallen in defense of our nation, our freedoms and our way of life.  This would…

The Light Of The World

May 12, 2019
A column of cloud by day and a column of cloud by night is how Jehovah-God continually reminded the people of Israel of His presence during the wilderness wanderings.  No…

Salt and Light

January 13, 2019
People often reject labels, but one label that many seem to embrace is “Christian.”  In truth, the term is undefined in the New Testament and is therefore made into what’s…
The question, “What is your most valuable commodity” would likely bring many different answers.  The most discerning of us though would quickly give the answer, “Time!”  In this study, the…

Once Upon A Time

November 18, 2018
Once upon a time a version of Christianity existed that was awe inspiring and compelling.  It caused people to lean in to see what the followers of Jesus were doing…