On the morning of the resurrection a group of women went to the tomb expecting to find a dead body to anoint. What they found was completely unexpected. In fact…
When we hear the words “unlimited” and “unconditional” we instantly become leery. What are the actual limits? What are the actual conditions? Since our society is obsessed with loopholes and…
The Apostle Paul teaches that the Lord’s Supper is a time of self-examination which should result in self-correction. Therefore remembering our Lord during the Lord’s Supper should not be limited…
Much has been said about fear. FDR said, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.â€Â Many parents have told us there is nothing to fear. As we remember Jesus…
We all have a working definition of what it means to be great. It probably includes power, prosperity, or popularity. As we journey through the life of Jesus, we can't…
As we continue on in A Journey Through the Life of Jesus, we come face to face with His authority. But just how far does His authority go? Does His…
The Memorial Supper is a Church Ordinance of great familiarity. The unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine are both designed for remembrance. But are these things all that’s…
Devotion is often most vividly on display by attendance to Memorial Services. The services of family, friends and loved ones are not missed. Often attendance for those who lived and…
Virtually every meaningful experience, crossroads and event that charted the course of our lives resulted from an invitation. Many of the best things of your life and many of the…
Entitlement is a word we hear and use constantly. We see and hear about people, politicians, the rich and others who expect special treatment because of their position or heritage. …